Rhaglen y Gynhadledd
Noder: efallai y bydd y rhaglen yn yn agored i fân newidiadau i amseroedd.
Dydd Mercher 28th
8.30 – 10.00 | Cofrestru (Penrhyn) |
10.00 – 10.15 | Croesawu i'r gynhadledd (Prif Neuadd) | ||
10.15 – 11.45 | SESIYNAU CYFOCHROG |
Children's Rights(Ffestiniog) |
Children in the Margins(Dinorwig) |
Student Session 1(Prif Neuadd) |
Yvonne McDermott & Hayley Roberts: Compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Context of Devolution |
Teresa Crew: Asking the same old questions, but nothing gets done!!! Observations from conducting research ‘with’ and ‘for’ Gypsy Travellers in north Wales |
Laura Clancy: Young Peoples’ worldview in a ‘globalised’ world: the influence on decision-making and agency in their own education |
Ben Raikes: The support needs of children with parents in prison as articulated by children themselves – a comparison between European countries and Uganda |
Glenn Miles: Why are boys missed off the agenda of policy makers and practitioners when it comes to addressing sexual abuse and exploitation |
Tansy Swerdlow: Identifying potential barriers faced by education practitioners in engaging with Forest Schools |
Yolanda Corona: Children´s councils in Mexico: challenges for children´s participation in public policies |
Gwilym Sion Gruffudd & Llinos Haf Spencer*: Priorities of rural school managers on the educational achievement of pupils experiencing poverty. *Bydd y cyflwyniad hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno yn Gymraeg, gyda chyfieithu. |
Yan Wang: Rebuild ‘floating children’s’ sense of belonging by the way of art classrooms and courses | |
11.45 – 12.00 | Te a Coffi (Penrhyn) | ||
12.00 – 1.00 | PRIF SIARADWR: JANE WILLIAMS'Saving, Seeing, Hearing and Regarding Children: the journey from Geneva Declaration to Geneva Delegation' (Prif Neuadd) |
1.00 – 2.00 | Cinio (Penrhyn) | ||
2.00 – 3.30 |
Resilience and Wellbeing(Ffestiniog) |
Young People's Voices(Dinorwig) |
Roundtable Discussion(Prif Neuadd) |
Myfanwy Davies: Listening to the Voices of Young Mothers as users of a programme to build Resilience in Gwynedd |
Gozde Burger: Young People’s Experiences of Parental Divorce in England and Turkey |
Kata Dozsa ‘Ageism or Protectionism’: Policies on public participation of children and youth in climate change governance |
Margiad Elen Williams: Evaluation of the Enhancing Parenting Skills 2014 programme for parents of young children with behaviour problems |
Julian Burton: Echo chambers, safe spaces, and the meaning of democratic engagement: How young "activists" frame online discourse |
Sara Southall: Stronger together? A systems analysis of connections and collaborations among young people and local services supporting youth health and wider wellbeing | Sue Kay-Flowers: Creating a bricolage: working with young people to design a research study giving voice to young adults' childhood experiences of parental separation |
3.30 – 4.00 | Te, Coffi a Cebabs Ffrwythau (Penrhyn) | ||
4.00 – 5.30 | Arsyllfa Cymru ar Hawliau Dynol Plant a Phobl Ifanc: Sesiwn i'w gadarnhau |
Dydd Iau 29th
9.30 – 10.00 |
Te, Coffi a Teisennau |
10.00 – 11.00 | PRIF SIARADWR: NIGEL THOMAS‘Regarding children and young people in school: participation, recognition, and wellbeing’ (Prif Neuadd) |
11.00 – 11.30 | Te a Coffi | ||
11.30 – 1.00 | SESIYNAU CYFOCHROG |
Policy & Child Wellbeing(Ffestiniog) |
Voices of Young People in Research(Dinorwig) |
Roundtable Discussion(Prif Neuadd) |
Marguerite Hoerger: |
Sue Kay-Flowers and Cristina Faludi: Sex and relationship education in schools: young adults' views on their experience and suggestions for change |
Aled Griffiths and Fiona McDonald: Supporting young people through the process of coming out as LGBT+ and beyond
David Dallimore: Valuing children? Childcare policy in Wales |
Alessandra Alloni, Maria Rosaria Centrone and Francesca Viola: What are adolescents’ views, perspectives and needs with regard to sexuality education in schools in the Italian context(s)? |
Kelly Bracewell: ‘I think just everyone needs someone to talk to. So it would be nice if there was someone to listen…’ The complexity of the needs of teenagers who use refuge accommodation |
Patricio Cuevas-Parra: Child-led research – is it an effective method to support children’s voices to influence decisions around their wellbeing and protection from violence? |
1.00 – 2.00 | Cinio a Phosteri (Penrhyn) | ||
2.00 – 3.00 | PRIF SIARADWR: HELEN STALFORD‘The Price is Right: Assessing the impact of Neoliberalism on Children’ (Prif Neuadd) |
3.00 – 3.15 | Te a Coffi (Penrhyn) | ||
3.15 – 4.45 | SESIYNAU CYFOCHROG |
Migration(Ffestiniog) |
Student Session 2(Dinorwig) |
Roundtable Discussion(Prif Neuadd) |
Jarrett Davis: On the Border: Exploring the Perspectives and Experiences of Street-Involved Children on the Thai-Cambodian Border |
Elakkiya Karunakara Pandian: the Right to life of Juvenile Offenders |
Carrie Pemberton-Ford: DUBS and the challenge of Unaccompanied Children across Europe
Gloria Ghéquière: Mind the gap: deconstructing differences between migrant children in European border policies |
Caroline Clussen: “You have to play the long game”: Men engaging boys in healthy masculinity through school based sexuality education |
Denise Moreira: The impacts of transnational trajectories of Brasilian children in their relational dynamics in the context of the British school System |
Grace McGuire: Listening to the voices of children in their experiences of participating in domestic violence recovery intervention: implications for research and practice |
Natalie Roberts: The use of space and policies in a youth homeless hostel and its implications on social relationships |
6.00 pm | Bar ar agor | ||
7.00 – 10.00pm | Cinio'r gynhadledd a Ceilidh (Prif Neuadd) |
Dydd Gwener 30th
9.00 – 9.30 |
Te, Coffi a Teisennau |
9.30 – 10.30 | PRIF SIARADWR: STEPHEN CASE‘Positive Youth Justice: Children First, Offenders Second’ (Prif Neuadd) |
10.30 – 10.45 | Te a Coffi | ||
10.45 – 12.15 | SESIYNAU CYFOCHROG |
Education & Learning(Ffestiniog) |
Youth Justice & the Law(Dinorwig) |
Roundtable / Workshop(Prif Neuadd) |
Sandra Hiett & Jude Bird: Cultural Education: closing the attainment gap for disadvantaged children
Karen Smith: Beyond the Discourse of Investment: Justice for Children |
Glenn Miles & Jarrett Davis: “Mind The Gap”: What are the gaps in addressing sexual abuse/exploitation of Men, Boys and Transgender and how can we address it
Anna McCormack: Perceptions of support for secondary school learners with dyslexia in France and in Wales: case study analyses |
Martina Feilzer: A new era for youth justice? Exploring the dramatic fall in young people going through the youth justice system and its meaning for youth justice |
Deborah Crook: Participatory Classrooms: What happens when children and adults work together for change? |
Tanya Herring: Stateless children in the United Kingdom are at risk of Human Trafficking' – Can legal empowerment be achieved by an International Norm Responsibility to Prevent (R2Prev)? |
12.15 – 1.15 | Arsyllfa Cymru ar Hawliau Dynol Plant a Phobl Ifanc: Lleisiau Bach/Little Voices Digwyddiad ysgol gyda disgyblion Ysgol Llanddulas Bl6 (Prif Neuadd) |
1.15 pm | Cinio a diwedd y gynhadledd |